Sunday, August 16, 2009

Darlin', her story on video

I spent all day yesterday trying to upload Darlin's video without youtube muting me. This was not my first choice in music, but I really like this new song (Kings Of Leon - Use Somebody). It seems to be working there, but I won't hold my breath because they kept deleting my music due to copyright laws. I have been meaning to create this video for a few months now. After posting pictures of her life before I trapped her, I decided to finally make the video.

1 comment:

  1. Just read your post on "Gwen's Last Chance" (facebook). What a fantastic story of patience, love & just plain kindness! How wonderful that fate put you & Darlin in that parking lot at the same time. She's one lucky girl & I'm sure she's given you so much in return. The music was fine...great song choice. I'm sitting here in tears, wondering why so many animals have to suffer, never knowing love or kindness. Well, we make a huge difference to the few we can save don't we? I'm not religious, but still have to say Bless You!
